Category -
- DataQ - Data-driven applications
- Timelapse 2 - ACAP for Axis OS12
- City Street Detection including E-scooters
- ACAP Compatibility
- PPE - Personal Protection Equipment Detection
- Hand Gesture Detection
- Custom Object Detection ACAP (Using YOLO5)
- Running Node-RED on an Axis device
- Run Teachable Machine Models in camera
- Detect and capture cropped image
- Secure remote device access
- Direction Counter ACAP
- Develop your own ACAP
- Presense Detecion and counting ACAP
- Parking transition detection
- Overlay text in video
- SIMQTT - Extended MQTT client for Axis devices
- Timelapse video
- Custom Radar Data Analytics
- Custom Device Provisioning
- Customized Object Analytics
- Capture Images to SD Card with API
- RedMobile - Android phone as image AI
- Timelapse Server
- Thermal camera alarm temperature on ambient temperature changes
- Running Node-RED on an Axis device
- Working with Axis devices in Node-RED